[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2011, 30(1) 34-38 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Jin, K. 1
Article by Guo, Z. 1
Article by Chu, X. T. 1
Article by Zhang, N. K. 1
Article by Ren, J. C. 1
Article by Fei, F. P. 2
Article by Chen, Y. 2
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A main ore-bearing rocks of diatomite and old gold placer in Jilin ———geological character of Qingyangmugou Formation
JIN Ke-1, GUO Zhen-1, CHU Xiang-Tao-1, ZHANG Ning-Ke-1, Ren Jian-Chao-1, FEI Fu-Ping-2, CHEN Yan-2
1�� Geology Data Museum of Jilin Province��Changchun 130061��China; 2�� College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China

A new research shows the lithostratigraphic characteristics of Qingyangmugou Formation as that: firstly��this formation is the main ore-bearing layer of diatomite and old gold placer��secondly��and there were several events of basalt outpouring during this synsedimentary�� Previously��this formation was named as“Qingyangmugou Formation”�� “Songhuajiang basalt”and“Xiaofengman basat”��etc�� By the biostigraphy and related data with basalt dating��the authors concluded that the Qingyangmugou Formationaged aged in Pliocene��

Keywords: Qingyangmugou Formation   diatomite   old gold placer   Songhuajiang basalt   Pliocene epoch   Jilin Province  
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