[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(4) 677-682 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Li, J. Y. 1
Article by Du, J. R. 2
Article by Ye, S. S. 1
Article by Hu, Y. M. 1
SWOT �������ڿ����Դ���������е�̽��——�����ɹ����ֹ�����Ϊ��
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Discussion on SWOT analysis applied in exploitation and utilization of mineral resources —taking Xilin Gol League of Inner Mongolia method for example
LI Ji-Yan-1, DU Jin-Rui-2 , YE Shui-Sheng-1, HU Ya-Ming-1
1�� Institute of Mineral Resources Prognosis of Synthetic Information��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China; 2�� College of Earth Sciences��Chengdu University of Technology��Chengdu 610059��China

According to the four factors of the strengths��weaknesses��opportunities and threats in exploitation and utilization of mineral resources��using the SWOT method��the authors analyzed the general situation��exploitation and utilization of mineral resources in Xilin Gol League and its neighboring regions��established the analysis system of current situation on mineral resource exploitation in Xilin Gol League��and suggested the exploiting and utilizing mineral resources by ST strategy in this area��

Keywords: SWOT   mineral resources   exploitation and utilization   Xilin Gol League   Inner Mongolia  
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