[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(4) 607-613 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Yang, S. S. 1
Article by 2
Article by Qing, M. 3
Article by Hao, T. S. 4
Article by Wang, K. Y. 5
Article by Wan, D. 5
Article by Piao, X. H. 5
Article by Bian, H. Y. 6
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Geological characteristics and genesis of Naozhi gold deposit in Yanbian area��Jilin Province
YANG Shuai-Shi-1, 2, QING Min-3, HAO Tong-Shun-4, WANG Ke-Yong-5, WAN Duo-5, PIAO Xing-Hai-5, BIAN Hong-Ye-6
1�� The Management Center of Exploration Fund of Inner Mongolia��Huhehaote 010000��Inner Mongolia��China; 2�� College of Earth Sciences and Resources��China University of Geosciences��Beijing 100083��China; 3�� Geological Institute of Gold Detachment of Chinese People's Armed Police Force��Langfang 065000��Hebei��China; 4�� No. 2 Exploration and Development Institute of Mineral Resources of Inner Mongolia��Linhe 015000��Inner Mongolia��China; 5�� College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 6�� The 1th Gold Detachment of Chinese People's Armed Police Force��Harbin 150086��China

Naozhi gold deposit located in the western sector of Yanbian—Dongning gold metallogenic belt��is a quartz vein type deposit occurred in Hercynian granodiorite�� The analysis results of geological characteristics and the fluid inclusions in auriferous quratz veins show that the main types of fluid inclusions developed in auriferous quartz vein are gas-liquid two-phase��and a little daughter mineral-bearing three-phase as well as vapor phase fluid inclusions�� The homogenization temperature of gas-liquid two-phase fluid inclusions is 283. 5 �� �� 375. 9 �棬with salintity 3. 4 �� 8. 13 wt%NaCl; the homogenization temperature of vapor phase fluid inclusions is 416. 5 �� �� 431. 6 ��; and the homogenization temperature of NaCl daughter mineral-bearing three-phase fluid inclusions is 303. 9 �� �� 393. 2 �棬with salinity 38. 21 �� 45. 3 wt%NaCl�� The oxygen and hydrogen isotopes of fluid inclusions indicate that the ore-forming solutions mainly derived from magmatic fluids which mixed with a small amount of meteoric water�� The gold deposit belongs to medium temperature magmatic hydrothermal type in origin��

Keywords: geological characteristics   deposit genesis of ore deposit   Naozhi gold deposit   Jilin  
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