[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(4) 582-587 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Hao, T. S. 1
Article by Wang, K. Y. 2
Article by Wan, D. 2
Article by Piao, X. H. 2
Article by Zhang, X. D. 3
Article by Huang, J. P. 3
Article by Ji, Z. J. 4
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Genetic comparison between Wulong and Sidaogou gold deposits in Dandong of Liaoning—evidence from fluid inclusions
HAO Tong-Shun-1, WANG Ke-Yong-2, WAN Duo-2, PIAO Xing-Hai-2, ZHANG Xiao-Dong-3, HUANG Jun-Peng-3, JI Zhao-Jia-4
1�� No. 2 Exploration and Development Institute of Mineral Resources of Inner Mongolia��Linhe 015000��Inner Mongolia��China; 2�� College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 3�� Dandong Sanxin Mining Co�� ��Ltd��of Liaoning��Dandong 118100��Liaoning��China; 4�� Wulong Gold Mine of Liaoning��Dandong 118000��Liaoning��China

A comparative study on characteristics of geology��petrography and microthermometry of fluid inclusions between Wulong and Sidaogou gold deposits surrounding the Sanguliu granodiorite body in Dandong of Liaoning has been carried out�� The results show that there were some definite differences in their origin�� The ore-forming solutions of the auriferous quartz veins in Wulong gold deposit and the early quartz veins in Sidaogou gold deposit both derived from Sanguliu magmatic activity��while the ore-forming solutions of the major metallogenic stage in Sidaogou gold deposit may be related with the activity of intermediate-acidic dykes in the late stage of the Yanshan movement��

Keywords: Wulong gold deposit   Sidaogou gold deposit   fluid inclusion   genesis of ore deposit   Dandong  
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