[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(4) 527-542 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Ding, Q. H. 1
Article by Fu, X. P. 2
Article by Li, Y. 2
Article by Zhang, W. 1
1. �й����ʵ�����������ʵ������ģ����� 110034; 2�������ɺ�ֲ��԰���㶫 ���� 518004

���ı����˲����ɹŶ��ϲ���٪���������������ľ�Ļ�ʯ7 ��8 �֡����У�����3 ������ ( Protaxodioxylon mongolense sp�� nov�� ��Circoporoxylon mongolense sp�� nov�� ��Protocircoporoxylon mongolense sp�� nov�� ) ��5 ����֪��( Protocupressinoxylon coromandelinum��Protocupressinoxylon mishanense��Xenoxylon latiporosum��Protophyllocladoxylon franconicum��Protocedroxylon lindicianum) �����߶���Щľ��ʯ��������������ϸ����������������򻷾������˷�����̽�֡�

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Late Mesozoic fossil woods from southeastern Mongolia
DING Qiu-Hong-1, FU Xiao-Ping-2, LI Yong-2, ZHANG Wu-1
1��Shenyang Center of Geological Survey��China Geological Survey Bureau��Shenyang 110034��China; 2�� Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden��Shenzhen 518004��Guangdong��China

Eight species of seven genera of fossil woods are reported from the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous of southeastern Mongolia��including Protaxodioxylon mongolense sp. nov.��Circoporoxylon mongolense sp. nov��and Protocircoporoxylon mongolense sp. nov.��Protocupressinoxylon coromandelinum��Protocupressinoxylon mishanense�� Xenoxylon latiporosum��Protophyllocladoxylon franconicum and Protocedroxylon lindicianum�� All anatomical characters of these taxa are described in detail��and their paleoclimate and paleoenvironment are analyzed and discussed��

Keywords: fossil woods   Late Mesozoic   southeastern Mongolia  
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