[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(3) 509-513 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Yarbana EL Houssein
Mohammed Hazaea
Article by Yarbana EL Houssein
Article by Sun, Y. H.
Article by Mohammed Hazaea
Yarbana EL Houssein, ���Ѻ�, Mohammed Hazaea

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Effect of defoaming pressure on defoaming rate and optimized design of foam breaking device based on numerical simulation
Yarbana EL Houssein, SUN You-Hong, Mohammed Hazaea
College of Construction Engineering��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China

The existing foam breaking device usually can not properly achieve the requirements of defoaming in the process of foam drilling�� The indoor test-bed of foam breaking device was established to do influence test of defoaming pressure to defoaming ability�� The relationship between defoaming pressure and defoaming rate was determined based on testing different pressures and pump revolution speeds��and FLUENT software was used to make numerical simulation and analysis to the pressure distribution inside diffusion and defoaming pipes of foam breaking device�� According to analysis results��the foaming breaking device was optimally designed by increasing the length of defoaming pipe from 15 cm to 65 cm�� The indoor test results indicate that the defoaming rate of modified foam breaking device reached to about 80 %��

Keywords: gap foam breaking device   defoaming pressure   defoaming rate   numerical simulation   optimized design  
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