[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(3) 473-478 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, Y. W. 1
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Article by Wang, H. T. 2
Article by Yang, X. B. 2
Article by Wang, Y. H. 2
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1�� �㽭��ѧ�����ѧϵ������310007; 2�� ������̽���̹�˾�⾮һ��˾������������163412

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Application of fuzzy associative memory in identification of reservoir lithology in Beier depression of Hailaer Basin
WANG Ying-Wu-1, 2, WANG Hong-Tao-2, YANG Xue-Bing-2, WANG Yu-Hua-2
1�� Department of Earth Sciences��Zhejiang University��Hangzhou 310007��China; 2�� No. 1 Well Logging Company of Daqing Drilling and Exploration Corporation��Daqing 163412��Heilongjiang��China

Owing to the complexity of the reservoir lithology in Beier depression of Hailaer Basin��the authors studied the method of the reservoir lithology identification��recognized the lithological characters and named them�� and demarcated well logging data�� After the standardization��normalization and squaring wave��the basic model of complex lithology reservoir well logging identification has been established in studied area�� Using fuzzy associative memory��the lithological characters can be divided into 3 categories and 12 subcategories including pyroclastic��pyroclastic sedimentary and sedimentary rocks�� The average accordance rate of lithological identification is 86. 1% based on the validating of well logging data of 31 wells��

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1�� �����, ������, ��ƽ, �Ź��.�ڶ�ѷ���������߽���ѵ�Ļʽ�ݻ�ģʽ����Ժ�����ϵͳ�Ŀ�������[J]. �������, 2009,28(4): 503-507
2�� ��ѩ��, �ź���.��������ذ�����氼����Դ�����ۼ���Դ�Ա�[J]. �������, 2011,30(2): 231-237

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