[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(3) 450-458 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Lei, D. C.
Article by Fu, Y. S.
��ά�����Դ�������MICROMINE �ڽ�����ɽ��Դ���������е�Ӧ�� ———�Լ��������������Ϊ��
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�ؼ����� MICROMINE   ��Դ��������   ���뷴�ȼ�Ȩ��   �������   ����  
Application of 3D mineral resources evaluation software ( MICROMINE) in resource reserves estimation of metal deposits —taking Jide Mo deposit of Jilin for example
LEI Da-Chao, FU You-Shan
Changchun Gold Design Institute��Changchun 130012��China

The authors described the geological characteristics of Jide Mo deposit in Shulan of Jilin and its conditions of hydrology��engineering and environmental geology and their mineral processing experiment results�� Taking this Mo deposit for example��the authors discussed the working principle and flow of 3D mineral resource evaluation software ( MICROMINE) 11. 03 edition��and also estimated and verified the resource reserves�� The ore content is 313 741 400 t and Mo content is 245 096 t estimated by inverse distance weighting method�� Among them��the ore content of 111b + 122b accounts for 80. 99 % of total ore amount��Mo content accounts for 81. 08 % of total resource reserves; while the resource reserves used by opencast working accounts for 91. 64 % of total ore amount�� and Mo content accounts for 91. 99 % of total resource reserves�� The testing results of geological block and trianglation polygon estimation methods show that using inverse distance weighting method of 3D mineral resources evaluation software ( MICROMINE) estimate resource reserves is reasonable��with small relative error and reliable result��

Keywords: MICROMINE   resource reserves estimation   inverse distance weighting method   Jide Mo deposit   Jilin Province  
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