[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(3) 383-391 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, S. X. 1
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Article by Yang, Y. H. 3
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Primary halo characteristics and superposition model of Hongshi gold deposit in eastern Tianshan of Xinjiang
WANG Shi-Xin-1, 2, YANG Yi-Heng-3
1�� Institute of Mineral Resources Prognosis of Synthetic Information��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China; 2�� Geological Team No. 1��Xinjiang Bureau of Exploration and Development of Geology and Minerals�� Changji 831100��Xinjiang��China; 3�� School of Sciences��Beijing Information Science and Technology University��Beijing 100192��China

Hongshi gold deposit is one of the typical deposits of Kanggurtag gold belt in eastern Tianshan of Xinjiang�� Through the sampling analysis and computational statistics of surface��middle part of mining and partial drilling rocks in Hongshi gold deposit��the authors studied the association characteristics of the indicator elements in different positions�� The results revealed that element Au is closely related to Ag��and the others are complex and varied��which illuminated the characteristics of multi-phases mineralization�� Combining with practical investigation data��the primary halo zoning sequence has been recognized by several calculating methods��which is Bi--Mo--Hg-- Zn--Pb--Ag--As--Cu--Sb--Au�� Superimposed model is determined��used evaluation index of seven zonations in different middle parts��

Keywords: Hongshi gold deposit   primary halo   axial zonation   superimposed model   eastern Tianshan   Xinjiang  
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