[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(3) 357-362 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Zhang, S. Q. 1
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Article by Liu, Y. Y. 3
Article by Li, M. S. 1
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Eocene--Miocene palynological assemblages in Wanchang area of Jilin and their stratigraphic significance
ZHANG Shu-Qin-1, 2, LIU Yu-Ying-3, LI Ming-Song-1
1�� Research Center of Paleontology �� Stratigraphy��Jilin University��Changchun 130026��China; 
2�� Key-Lab for Evolution of Past Life and Environment in Northeast Asia��Ministry of Education��Jilin University�� Changchun 130026��China; 
3�� Applied Technical College��Jilin University��Changchun 130022��China

Abundant sporo-pollen fossils are found in Well Wancan 1 of Wanchang area in Jilin��which can be divided into 5 palynomorph assemblages in ascending order�� In the Z1 assemblage aged in early Eocene��the sporo-pollen fossils are less in amount��and common in Paleogene for occurrence��with Plicapollis seen occasionally�� In the Z2 assemblage aged in middle--late Eocene��Pistillipollenites characteristic for Eocene��and assciated with Aquilapollenites spinulosus��Gothanipollis and Plicapollis occurred sporadically�� In the Z3 assemblage aged in early Oligocene��the fern spores reach a peak in quantity for this profile��and the herbaceous angiosperm pollen more increased than those in Z1 and Z2 assemblages�� In the Z4 assemblage aged in late Oligocene��more fern spores still occurred while herb aceous angiosperm pollen are similar to those of Z3 assemblage in content�� The Z5 assemblage has a peak of herbaceous angiosperm pollen in contents for this profile��particularly shown by Artemisiaepollenites + Chenopodipollis + Compositoipollenites + Graminidites��which indicates Miocene in age��

Keywords: sporo-pollen assemblage   Eocene--Miocene   Wanchang   Jilin  
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