[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(2) 256-261 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Shi, X. 1
Article by Wang, D. Y. 1
Article by Li, R. F. 1
Article by Jin, K. 2
Article by Guo, Z. 2
1. ���ִ�ѧ�����ѧѧԺ������130061; 2. ����ʡ�������Ϲݣ�����130061

��ũ�����󰲡�ͨ�ܹ������������Mn��Mo Ԫ��ȫ������Ч������������ȫ����������ʵ�� Mn��Mo Ԫ�غ������о��������: ���������������Mn��Mo Ԫ��ȫ������Դ�ڸ����������ʵIJ�ͬ; ����������ЧMn �����ḻ����ЧMo ����ȱ����Mn��Mo ��Ϊǿ��ת��; �������Mn��Mo Ԫ����Ч����ȫ�����л��ʺ����ʼ��������; ����������ʵ��Mn��Mo ����Ԫ�غ�������С������ pH ֵӰ�������Mo Ԫ�ص����ա�

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Soil geochemical characteristics of elements Mn��Mo in western Jilin Province
SHI Xian-1, WANG Dong-Yan-1, LI Rue-Fen-1, JIN Ke-2, GUO Zhen-2
1. College of Earth Sciences��Jilin University��Changchun 130061��China; 2. Geological Archives of Jilin Province��Changchun 130061��China

Based on the research in Nong'an��Da'an and Tongyu��the authors study the total and available contents of Mn and Mo in surface soil��the total contents of profile soil and the contents of Mn and Mo in sunflower seeds. The results show that the difference of total contents of Mn and Mo in western Jilin originated from different sedimentary materials; the contents of available Mn are rich and available Mo are serious lack��and both of them are strongly transformed. The available contents between Mn and Mo in surface soil have significant correlation with the total contents and organic matter contents; the difference between Mn and Mo contents in sunflower seeds in the three areas is small��and the pH of the soil affects the absorption of sunflowers to element Mo.

Keywords: Mn and Mo elements   soil   geochemical characteristics   western Jilin Province  
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