[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2010, 29(2) 183-187 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Li, L. 1
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Article by Wang, J. Q. 2
Article by Hou, S. L. 2
1. ������ѧ����ѧϵ������110004; 2. ����ʦ����ѧ�������о���������110034

��������������ͷ��Ӫ����������ŷ����鷢�ֵĿ�����ʯһ����—����������(Confuciusornis jianchangensis sp. nov. )����������ȱʧǰ֫���������������������Ϻ�������������(ʥ�Ϳ�����) ���������磬����С���۹ǽ������Ρ����Ǵִ󡢳ݹ�ǰ����ͻ����ە�ǽ������ϡ��� V ��ە�Dz����ں�β�۹Ǵִ�ȡ������ǿ��������ڽ����������״η��֣�����չʾ��������Ķ����ԵȾ��н���Ҫ���塣

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A new species of Confuciusornis from Lower Cretaceous of Jianchang��Liaoning��China
LI Li-1, 2, WANG Jing-Qi-2, HOU Shi-Lin-2
1. Department of Geology��Northeastern University��Shenyang 110004��China; 2. Paleontology Institute��Shenyang Normal University��Shenyang 110034��China

A new species of the Confuciusornis is described based on a specimen discovered from the Lower Cretaceous Jiufotang Formation in Toudaoyingzi of Jianchang��Liaoning Province��China. Although it is preserved with no forelimb and thoracic girdle��the new species can be distinguished from other known Confuciusornithid in many features��such as small sized��squamosal similar triangular��quadrate crassitude��anterior upper edge of dentary convex��tarsometatarsus fused proximally��metatarsals V not present��pygostyle wide and thick��etc. This discovery is the first time for Jianchang to find the taxa of Confuciusornis��and is significant for showing the diversity of Confuciusornithiformes.

Keywords: Liaoning   Jianchang   Lower Cretaceous   Jiufotang Formation   Confuciusornis   new species  
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