[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2009, 28(3) 334-360 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Ban, Y. D. 1
Article by Zhang, X. Q. 2
Article by Shi, Z. Y. 1
Article by Lv, C. D. 3
Article by Liang, L. G. 4
���¶�1, ��ѧǫ2, ʱ����1, ���ɶ�3, ������4
1. ����ʡ�������ʵ�����, ���� �Ӽ� 133001; 2. �侯�ƽ�ڶ�֧��, ���ͺ��� 010010; 3. ���ּ�����ҵ�ɷ����޹�˾, ���� ��ʯ 132300; 4. ͨ��������ҵ���޹�˾, ���� ͨ�� 134100

Ϊ���ڼ��ֶ������ǽϺ����Ѱ�����������, �ڰ�ͼ��������󿱲��������м��ݶ�װ�ü���������ɨ��, �����˼�����Ϊ1.88% ��4.61%��������Ϊ300��500Ω ·m�ĸ߼����ʵ����쳣���쳣���϶Գ��ļ�װ�ü������������: 3�����߼����嶥������20 ��30 m, ��������150��170 m; 11�����߼����嶥������Ϊ25��65 m, ��������> 200 m������̽������֤, ��������̬����״�������װ���������쳣����ɹ������Ǻϡ�

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Application of induced polarization method to Liushengdian Mo deposit of Antu, Jilin
BAN Yue-Dong-1, ZHANG Xue-Qian-2, SHI Zhong-Yi-1, LV Cheng-Dui-3, LIANG Li-Guo-4
1. The 6th Geologic Survey of Jilin Province, Yanji 133001, Jilin, China; 2. The 2th Gold Detachment of Chinese People's Armed Police Force, Hohhot 010010, China; 3. Ji'en Nickel Industy Co. Ltd of Jilin, Panshi 132300, Jilin, China; 4. Ji'en Nickel Industy Limited Company of Tonghua, Tonghua 134100, Jilin, China

In order to find deep concealed orebodies in eastern J ilin with thick covers on Earth, the induced polarization method to sweep the surface of middle gradient installment has been used in Liushengdian molybdenum ore investigation in Antu, which discovers a high polarization and low resistivity anomaly with 1.88%��4.61% polarization and 300��500 ٷm resistivity. The IP sounding results of symmetrical quadrupole installment on anomalous body show that the polarization body top surface buried depth of exploration line No.3 is 20��30 m, bottom surface buried depth is 150��170 m, and the polarization body top surface buried dep th of exploration line No.11 is 25��65 m, bottom surface buried depth > 200 m. Through the confirmation of exploration engineering, the molybdenum ore body's shape, occurrence, buried depth of top and bottom plates are basically agreed with anomaly interpretation results.

Keywords: L iushengdian Mo deposit   induced polarization method   IP sounding   Antu of Jilin  
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