[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2009, 28(3) 265-270 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, L.
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Article by Fu, R. Y.
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Quaternary mammals in western Liaoning and the age of the fossil-bearing strata
WANG Li, LIU Xiao-Qing, FU Ren-Yi
Paleontological Institute of Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, China

The Quaternary deposits are widely distributed in western Liaoning, centered by Dalinghe River and Xiaolinghe River, where the Karst is very developed in the region geographically, mainly due to the Ordovician limestone as the bedrocks. Under the water solution, these carbonate rocks formed a lot of caves various in size, which provided ideal habitats for the mammals living during the Quaternary time. By 1970s, many sites yielding the mammal fossils were discovered in the region, such as Jianping, west Bajianfang of Lingyuan, Gezidong of Kazuo, Shenjiatai of Jinzhou. Since then, many new sites, e. g. Moershan of Kazuo, the Cave of Erchibu, Mashandong of Chaoyang, Goumendong of Lingyuan, were found one after another. According mainly to the fossil mammal assemblages and their comparisons, the fossils found from western Liaoning represent four geological stages: the late Middle Pleistocene, early Late Pleistocene, middle Late Pleistocene and late Late Pleistocene. These discoveries are very significant for the study of Quaternary mammals, and the divisions and correlation of Quaternary in western Liaoning even for whole Northeast China.

Keywords: western Liaoning   Quaternary   mammals   age  
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1�� ����Ƽ1, �ϵº�2.������������������ŵ�������[J]. �������, 2010,29(3): 363-391

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