[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2009, 28(1) 45-67 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Lei, W. S.
Article by Zhang, Z. T.
Article by Liu, Y. J.
Article by Wang, M.
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��Сʯ�˽�������е�ʵ���Ե��ʲ���������ʾ, ��������ѧ���������ʷ������������������ײ���������ָʾ��ʴ��ִ�����������ѧ������: Au��Ag��As��Cu��Pb��Zn��Co��Ni��Bi�� Hg��V��Ԫ�صĵ���ѧŨ��������Чָʾ���󻯼�������ʴ���, MnԪ�ػ�����Ϊ������ı߽�ָʾԪ�ء�����������������ʾ������Ϣģʽ: �� ���衢�߼�������Եʹš���K�͵��ܼ������ڿռ��϶�Ӧ�軯ʴ����ض�; �ڵ��衢�ͼ�������Ըߴš���K�͸��ܼ����ʶ�Ӧ��ʯӢ����������ضΡ��ۺ���Ϣ�ƶϳ��軯ʴ���������ʯӢ��������������, �������̿�����ʯӢ�����ϱ����෢���������, ֤ʵ�ҿ�ģ����ȷ, �����ֽ��������, ���㴢��Ϊ5.2 t��

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Synthetic exploration research on Xiaoshiren gold deposite in Jiangyuan of Jilin
LEI Wan-Shan, ZHANG Zhen-Ting, LIU Ya-Jian, WANG Miao
Research Institute of Synthetic Information Mineral Resources Prediction, Jilin University, Changchun 130026, China

The measurements of experimental profiles in Xiaoshiren gold area show that the methods of soil geochemitry, resistivity, induced polarization and energy spectrometry have the ability to direct the alterative zones of mineralization. By soil geochemicalmethed, the elements of Au, Ag, As, Cu, Pb, Zn, Co, Ni, B i, Hg and V can indicate mineralization concentration and alterative zones effectively, and Mn can also act as the indicator for showing the border of gold deposit. Geophysical method displays two information models: �� high resistivity, high polarization, low K, relative low magnetism and low total counts, which correspond to silicic alterative zones; �� low resistivity, low polarization, high K, relative high magnetism and high total counts, which correspond to quartz porphyry intrusive body. Based on synthetic information, the authors infer the silicic alterative zones locate in both sides of quartz porphyry intrusive body. Two gold deposit veins have been found through engineering test in both northern and southern sides of quartz porphyry intrusive body, which accords with the inference, and the estimation of ore reserves is about 5.2 t.

Keywords: soil geochemistry   geophysical exploration   synthetic model   gold deposit exploration  
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