[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2009, 28(2) 207-215 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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V. I.Pilineiko
Article by Sui, Y. H.
Article by Yang, B. X.
Article by ��.��.Kamella
Article by V. I.Pilineiko
����˹������󴲿������������ ——���۶���˹��ٽ�������뿱̽�̶�
���ӻ�1,2,3, �����3, ��.��.Kamella4, V. I.Pilineiko4
1. ���ִ�ѧ�ۺ���Ϣ���Ԥ���о���, ����130026; 2. �Ͻ��ҵ���Źɷ����޹�˾��ʿ����й���վ, ���� 361006; 3. �������Ͻ��ҵͶ�����޹�˾, ������ 150090; 4. ����˹�����޷�˹�˱߽���“����”�Խ������, �����޷�˹��680000, ����˹

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Some problems of endogenetic gold deposits investigation in Russia —concurrently discuss the type and exploration degree of Kutyn gold deposit in Russia
SUI Yan-Hui1,2,3, YANG Bin-Xiang3, ��.��.Kamella4, V. I.Pilineiko4
1. Research Institute of Synthetic Information Mineral Resources Prediction, Jilin University, Changchun 130026, China; 2. Postdoctoral Science Research Station, Zijin Mining Group Co. Ltd. , X iamen 361006, China; 3. Zijin Mineral Investment Co. Ltd. of Heilongjiang, Harbin 150090, China; 4. East Gold Panning Men of Khabarovk Borderland in Russia, Khabarovsk 680000, Russia

Russia is one of the six main goldp roducing countries with unique geotechnical investigation codes of gold deposit in the world. Through the comparison of the“Classification of ore deposits reserve and solid mineral prognosis prediction resource extent”and“Reserve classification guide of gold deposit”issued by Ministry of Nature Resources of Russia with the“Criterion of geological reconnaissance of rock gold ore”issued by Ministry of Land and Resources, China, the authors analyze the similarities and differences of regulation contents between Russia and China.

Keywords: endogenetic gold deposit   reserve   resource extent   law of mineral resources   Russia   China  
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