[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2009, 28(4) 513-519 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, Z. G.
Article by Liu, C.
Article by Feng, X.
Article by Qin, S. H.
���׹�, ����, ��t, ������
���ִ�ѧ����̽���ѧ�뼼��ѧԺ, ����130026

�й����������ڱ�������Ӧ����������, �������������ԡ�����ռ�ֲ������ͳ�ƽ������, ��������������Ҫ����ʯȦ����(��ԭ—�����Ѵ�) ����, ��44°NΪ��, �ϱ��������Բ��졣���������������������ϲ�, ��Դ�����Ҫ������4��6 km��8��12 km������ȷ�Χ��; ���ϲ���Ҫ������8��12 km��28��30 km������ȷ�Χ�ڡ�������ȷ�����ʾ, ��ԭ—��塢۰®���Ѵ������˰�����Ѵ��¿��ܴ��ڵ��½ϵ͵�����, ʹ��������������������ֲ���Vp��Vs�������ϵ��о���ʾ, �������ٶȱ仯������������ѵ��ཻ�����ǵ����׷�������

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Earthquake space distribution and its relationships with main faults, deep structure and stress field in Northeast China
WANG Zhao-Guo, LIU Cai, FENG Xuan, QIN Shu-Hong
College of Geoexploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun 130026

Under the control of northeast-east stress field, the earthquakes in Northeast China have their special characteristics. The statistical results of earthquake space distribution and depth indicate that the earthquakes are mainly controlled by the lithospheric fault ( Kaiyuan-Chifeng fault) in Northeast China with great differences between the north and the south. The earthquakes occurred in the north are less than in the south, divided by the boundry of 44°N, and the earthquakes mainly concentrated in 4��6 km and 8��12 km in depth in the north, and in 8��12 km and 28��30 km in the south. The analysis of earthquake depth indicates that there have probably low thermal areas beneath Kaiyuan-Chifeng fault, Tanlu fault and Daxinganling fault, which provide the conditions for earthquakes getting ready in deep part. The analysis of Vp and Vs sectional data of earthquake distribution suggests that the earthquakes are often centralized in the intersectant zones of faults with velocity change zone and faultswith faults.

Keywords: Northeast China   earthquake distribution   fault system   tectonic stress field  
�ո����� 2009-05-07 �޻����� 2009-09-23 ����淢������ 2009-12-25 



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