[an error occurred while processing this directive] ������� 2009, 28(4) 508-512 DOI:     ISSN: 1004-5589 CN: 22-1111/P

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Article by Wang, R. X.
Article by Yang, Y. H.
Article by Wang, M. J.
������1, �����1, ������2
1. ������Ϣ�Ƽ���ѧ��ѧԺ, ����100192; 2. �й����ʿ�ѧԺ�����Դ�о���, ����1000371

�����һ�����þ��������Ȩ���������������м���ķ���, �÷������õ���������깹��ƽ��Delaunay������, ����������ڸ��������еĿ������, �����ۼӵõ��þ������������������еĿ�����������õ�������������Զ�����������д�������, �������������Ͳ���Ч��ȡ�ƽ����϶�ȡ�ƽ��ԭʼ���ͱ��Ͷȼ�ƽ��ԭ�����ϵ�������ݡ�����Delaunay���������������������������õ�, ������޶ȵ�����ԭʼ��������, ʹ�ô�������Ч���ﵽ���š�

�ؼ����� Delaunay������   ���������Ȩ��   ��������  
Calculation of oil and gas reserves base on well-point area weighting method of Delaunay triangulation
WANG Rong-Xin1, YANG Yi-Heng1, WANG Ming-Jun2
School of Sciences, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China; 2. Institute of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing 100037, China

A method using well-point area weighting method to calculate oil and gas reserves is presented. This method builds plane Delaunay triangulation using singlewell geodetic coordinate to calculate the controlled area of every point in this triangle, and adds every controlled area to get the whole controlled area of this well-point in oil and gas field. The reserves of oil and gas field can be calculated by singlewell's control area, which obtains the data of effective thickness, average porosity, average original oil saturation and average oil volume factor. The quality of singlewell Delaunay triangulation is the best among all the network, which can use the primitive data of well-point furthest, and optimize the computational efficiency of reserves

Keywords: Delaunay triangulation   well-point area weighting method   oil and gas reserves  
�ո����� 2009-06-01 �޻����� 2009-11-10 ����淢������ 2009-12-25 

���Ҹ߼����о���չ�ƻ�(863) ��Ŀ(2002AA09A202)



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